Saturday, February 13, 2010

Farouk Shami displays racial controversy

I found this article at The Dallas Morning News. The Friday of this week, Farouk stated that "white people aren't willing to work in factories." He also goes on to say that if they were to work in a factory they would want to hold a higher position than the average person and get payed more. I'm just thinking well who wouldn't? I'm sure anyone no matter what race or ethnicity they are would want a higher paying job. Farouk also states that the dominating races will become Hispanic and African American. Which leads to the Texas economy. Farouk thinks that Hispanic labor is essential for Texas economy because whites are supposedly lazy. The former governor of Houston had a rebuttal to this. He said he didn't know what Farouk was saying and that "Texas is too good for stereotypes. Everybody is made in the image of God." Becky Moeller (president of Texas AFL-CIO) also disagreed with Farouk. She thinks Farouk's statement as "preposterous" and claims that Farouk can't back up his statement with any valid information or facts. She then says that all races work in manufacturing jobs. It is also apparent that Farouk could care less about illegal immigration. A reporter Doug Miller, asks Farouk about 9/11 and he answers saying that he doesn't know the truth and that a government conspiracy could be afoot. I think this article is worth reading because it shows you the candidate Farouk Shami's thoughts on race and the economy as well as illegal immigration issues. You also get to see where Bill White stands on some of these issues as well.

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